Ever wondered what the deal is with couchsurfing? How easy is it to crash on the couch/futon/floor of someone you’ve only ever been introduced to over the internet? Who better to ask than Áine Goggins, host of the hit Irish language couchsurfing show, Ó Tholg go Tolg. Together with camera woman Maeve…

Ireland Green Travel App: Your Guide to an Eco Friendly Trip
Where’s the best Irish yoga retreat? How do you guarantee a guilt-free, ecologically sound holiday in Ireland? Well, you could ask Google… Unfortunately though, by their very nature, eco retreats don’t tend to be the most online savvy…so HOW do you find these gems? Enter Ireland Green Travel app. This Ireland–wide…

Fashion By the Kilo in Milan
Right now, fashion is a weighty issue in Milan – at least in terms of the city’s latest pop-up clothing store, Kilo Fascion. Located for a limited time only at Milano Corso Vittorio Emanuele 30, the buzzy Kilo Fascion claims to be the world’s first ‘weigh before you buy’ fashion…

Hotel Review: Condesa DF Mexico City
“Another shooting,” tuts the taxi driver, stopping to eye up a crowd of assembled police officers and nosy onlookers. All I can utter is “oh”. My heart sinks as I clutch my backpack closer. It had to happen sooner or later. This was Mexico City after all, the mothership of…

St Patrick’s Day Celebrations in Dublin 2011
The theme of this year’s St Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin was “Brilliant” – an idea stolen straight from the pages of a children’s story written by Booker Prize-winning author and Dubliner Roddy Doyle. St Patrick may have rid Ireland of snakes, but “Brilliant” is all about banishing the black…