Best Hostels in Portugal: Garden House Hostel, Porto
In Porto you never know what’s around the next corner. It could be a church clad in cobalt-blue tiles… It might be an old telephone, just hanging around… Or, if you’re unlucky – a street that dips so low it looks as if it could swallow everything in its path….

Blogging Your Passion: Surfing with Alex Mignot
Originally from Margarita Island in Venezuela, surfer Alex Mignot set sail for the Caribbean in July of this year with the simple intention of catching some good waves. Along with his girlfriend Bea and their dog Kaya, he has been documenting their trip thus far through his Salty Days blog….

A Look at Frida Kahlo’s Mexico
Mexico is hot right now. And we’re not talking about the weather, or indeed, the catwalk. When it comes to Mexican culture, lately, we’re all about the Kahlo. First came the Orange-prize winning novel, The Lacuna, now a travelling exhibition, Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera: Masterpieces from the Gelman Collection,…